Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine’s Day Facts

 Valentine’s Day Facts And Traditions From Around The World 💌

Mexico celebrates by eating out and giving chocolates and flowers. One big difference is that Mexicans also celebrate friendship and give heart shaped balloons to each other that say “Te Amo” or “I Love You” in Spanish.

In Italy young, unmarried girls to wake up before dawn to spot their future husbands. The belief is that the first man a woman saw on Valentine’s Day is the man she would marry within a year. 

In England women would pin bay leaves to the corners and one in the center of their pillows in the 1700’s. They would then chant a poem and fall asleep hoping this ritual would bring dreams of their future husband.

In Czech Republic Valentine’s Day usually involves the typical romantic dinners, and gifts of roses and chocolates. But the country’s main Day of Love is on May 1, when lovers kiss under cherry trees for happiness and good health, says Schweitzer.

South African’s celebrate Valentine’s Day similar to people in the US. One big difference is that younger women will sometimes pin the name of the person they have a crush on their sleeves. Talk about wearing your heart on your sleeve.

Instead of roses, Peruvians typically exchange orchids, which are native to Peru, on Valentine’s Day. 

Men do most of the gift-giving on Valentine's Day in the United States, but the opposite is true in South Korea, where women give chocolate to the men in their lives. A month later, on White Day, men return the favor by giving candy. But that’s not the end of it—single friends sometimes get together on Black Day on April 14 to eat black noodles. 

In Malaysia Women write their phone numbers on oranges and throw them into the nearest river on the seventh day of the seventh month on the Lunar calendar.  They hope that the person of their dreams will find the fruit and call them.  Fruit vendors tend to find these and sell them as lucky fruits.

If you’re looking to get married but are on a budget, Valentine’s is a day for a mass marriage.Thousands of couples gather for a huge ceremony in Philippines.


February 14th has become National Chocolate’s Day in Ghana. Because they are one of the largest exports of Cocoa, the tourism ministry created this day to celebrate the bean.


Slovenia celebrates their crops and fields coming back to life. They walk through the fields barefoot to welcome fertile fields.

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