Traditional costumes


Peruvians are excellent craftsmen. Their clothing is still homemade in XXI century and looks pretty

 much like traditional garments used centuries ago. People of Peru wear ponchos, dresses, blankets,

 sweaters, layered skirts, tunics, sombreros, chullos and other native pieces of clothing. The national 

costume of Peru is very colorful and bright, it is beautiful and original although the clothes are rather 

thick and worm. Every tourist admires the beauty of local handmade clothing and wishes to buy

 something at Peruvian colorful markets.

The main parts of women's clothing of this country are: ponchos, dresses, blankets, skirts, tunics and

 various hats.

Traditional Dances Around the World



Marinera is a coastal dance of Peru. Marinera is a graceful and romantic couple's dance that uses

 handkerchiefs as props. The dance is an elegant and stylized reenactment of a courtship, and it shows

 a blend of the different cultures of Peru. The dance itself has gained a lot of recognition and is one of

 the most popular traditional dances of Peru. Ever since the 1960s, during the month of January, in the

 city of Trujillo, declared national capital of this dance by law. In 2012, the Congress of the Peruvian

 Republic declared October 7 as Marinera Day in Trujillo City, which is celebrated with a parade and

 dance expressions. he origin of the Marinera is generally traced back to the Zamacueca.

 Nevertheless, there are several other theories about where it comes from. Traditional accompaniment

 for the dance is provided cajón, clarinets, guitars, drums, and bugles. The exact origin of the dance is

 undetermined, but it is an unmistakable blend of Spanish, Moorish, Andean, and Gypsy rhythmic

 influences. Though the Marinera dance style had been around for centuries in Peru, it gained the

 name "Marinera" in honor of the Peruvian Navy, or the Marina de Guerra del Peru in 1879 when

 Peru entered war against Chile.

Traditional wedding dresses of different countries

The tradition of wedding garments is one of the oldest most and respectful for every nation. Usually national

 costume of the country plays the role of wedding garment. But it is not always so. Nevertheless traditional wedding

 dress shows us the mentality and temper of certain nation.


Thailand traditional wedding dress is very elegant and beautiful. But it is rather simple also. Usually Thai women

 don't buy a wedding dress just for one time to wear, they use it after wedding as an evening dress. Actually, there is

 no specified wedding dress in Thailand, brides just use Thai national costume.

Traditional Thai wedding dress is made of cotton and silk, no synthetic. The wedding dress itself is a close-fitting, 

brightly colored ensemble, often ornated with gold and gemstones. Golden jewelry is used to complement the 

Thai wedding dress may consist of a full length wrap-around sarong with two pleated folds, and a one-shouldered 

sleeveless top made of lace or heavily pleated silk, topped with an optional over-the-shoulder, floor-length shawl.

Another variant consist of a rounded neck, and long sleeved blouse, either buttoned at the front or the back; the top

 is tucked beneath a floor length skirt with two front pleats.

Traditional Dances

MEXICO - Ballet Folklorico Mexicano

Founded in 1967 by Carlos Moreno Samaniego, the Ballet Folklorico Mexicano has achieved 

recognition both in the United States and in Mexico. In 1980, the Mexican consulate in San Francisco

 named the company the official ambassador for ongoing cultural activities with Mexico. It has held 

that distinction for over twenty years during which time it regularly conducts tours in Mexican cities 

such as Guadalajara, Oaxaca, Aguascalientes, and Durango.

Drawing on the artistic variety of Mexico's different regions, the Ballet Folklorico Mexicano has a

 dance repertory of 120 pieces. Many of these are presented in their traditional form while others

 have been restaged to include artistic elements from more contemporary choreography. In this way, 

the indigenous rhythms of Tarascan Indian dances from central Mexico stand in sharp contrast to the

 Spanish military; and courtship dances from that region. Similarly the African influences that

 characterize dances from the Gulf of Mexico are juxtaposed by Mexican polkas that mark the

 influence of eastern European from the north.

Traditional costumes

PHILIPPINES - Barong Tagalog & Baro at Saya

Filipino national costume is rather colorful, ornate and beautiful. Filipino people lived under the

 occupation of other countries for centuries. That's why their national attire was formed under the

 influence of different cultures and got some of their features. The US, Spain, and Japan had the

 biggest impact on the traditional clothing of the Philippines. But nevertheless, Filipino folk dress is

 very unique, authentic and even tribal, if we can say so.

The main factors that formed traditional clothing of this country are climate, cultural traditions,

 foreign conquerors, and way of living.

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