Surprising Food Etiquette Rules From Around The World


First and most importantly, never pour your own beverage. Someone will pour it for you. You must

 also pour for others, watching diligently to be sure your companions’ glasses are never empty.

When another drinker fills your vessel, hold the cup with both hands. This is the polite gesture for 

accepting anything given to you in Korea.

Finally, turn your back to anyone of higher rank as you drink. Stratification is deeply embedded in
Korean society, so you should always be aware of the pecking order. Anyone older or higher on the

 corporate ladder should be treated deferentially, and one easy way to do that is to turn away from

 them as you sip.

Sweet Summer Drink


Minted Lemonade

What could possibly be better on a hot Summer day? Minted lemonade is a very popular drink 

at all the chic cafés in Beirut. The great advantage is that is can be prepared ahead of time,

 leaving the quick blitzing with the fresh mint leaves for the last moment. Makes about a quart 

(4 servings)

1 ½ cups granulated sugar (300 g.)

2 cups water

3 lemons, sliced (ends cut-off and discarded)

1 cup (packed) mint leaves

Crushed ice, or ice cubes as needed

Wash and dry mint and pluck leaves.

Place sugar, water and lemon slices in a saucepan and bring to a simmer. Let the mixture

 simmer gently for about 20 minutes. Cool. If not using that day, cover and refrigerate (up to 

several days).

To make the minted lemonade: Pour into a blender the syrup, 1/3 of the lemon slices, 2 cups of 

water and the mint. Blend at high speed one minute. Strain the lemonade.

Pour the lemonade over crushed ice or in a cup with ice cubes. Serve with a straw.


Street food is the heart and soul of international cuisine. From Central America and across Europe, 

North Africa to Southeast Asia, the pickings are lush and sometimes surprising. Though often 

imitated by restaurants, they taste best when scooped onto a paper plate or wrapped in wax paper and 

eaten standing up, stains and all.


Jerk Chicken -- the real deal -- is some of the best bird you'll ever eat. This heavily spiced chicken

 (allspice, thyme, chili peppers, ginger, onions) is left overnight to absorb all that flavor, then grilled

 over pimento wood to complete the smoky awesomeness. This chicken seems like the opposite of a




 Fermented shark 

Sharks in the movies seem to have a big appetite for people, but the reciprocal isn't really true; 

Anthony Bourdain tried this stuff -- rotten, fermented shark -- and said it's the worst thing he's ever

 eaten. And that dude's eaten raw seal eyeball. And probably a lot of other things that weren't on his


National Drink Around The World


When talking about Peruvian drinks, the first that comes to mind is the Pisco, Peru's National Drink; 

Pisco Sour is a typical cocktail to welcome guests or start a Peruvian meal. It is based on the Pisco 

(kind of brandy) and the first creation originated in Lima in the early 1920s. Pisco – a grape grappa

 that originated in Peru – is mixed with lemon, sugar, bitters, and an egg white (which is how any 

good sour is made). The alcohol goes down alarmingly easy, with very little bite. Combined with the 

high altitude (which increases the effects of alcohol and the time it takes to feel it), this drink can be

 very, very dangerous.

Table Setting Around The World 

Eating Korean food at home

The most important part of any Korean meal – breakfast, lunch, or dinner – is rice. It’s more than just 

the main dish, it’s the foundation of the meal. With a few possible substitutes: noodles, porridge,

 dumplings, or rice cake soup, every meal is built around rice.With rice almost always comes kimchi 

and a soup or a stew (and sometimes both). These three things are essential to Korean homestyle 

meals, which are usually rounded out with the sidedishes, aka banchan. Look at this! This enough for

 4 people. Rice and beef & radish soup are at the bottom. The soup should always go right in front of 

you, and the rice always to the left of the soup. Spoon and chopsticks next to the soup, with the 

chopsticks on the outside. The rest of the dishes in the picture are side dishes are chosen to balance

 out each other: tastes, textures, colors, and cooking methods are complementary and make for a well-

rounded meal. This way, you can pick and choose from bite to bite and eat how you like, contrasting 

and complementing the tastes, textures, and temperatures as you prefer. And see that everything 

(except for the fish) is in small pieces – you should pick up each piece and eat it whole, don’t take a 

bite of something and put the rest of it back into the side dish.



Bangkok Street Food

Street food in Bangkok provides convenient, delicious and cheap meals and it’s one of the purest 

ways to get in touch with the local culture but can be a little intimidating for foreigners new to the

 city.Bangkok street food comes in many guises. It might be a humble cart on the side of the road, it

 could be a collection of stalls in a local market or even a traditional shophouse that has tables spilling

 out onto the pavement. If you are worried about cleanliness our tip is to eat at busy places as the 

ingredients will be fresh.


We eat them, we enjoy them but we don’t know who we can thank them for.


József Dobos was already a well-known confectioner when, in 1884, he came up with a brand new 

idea and created the dessert named after him. He wanted something that could be consumed after a 

longer period of time despite the undeveloped refrigerating techniques of his era. It started out with a 

mistake when his man accidentally added sugar to the butter instead of salt. Master Dobos liked how

 it tasted and created the butter cream, which is now very popular around the world. The cake quickly

 became famous, but the recipe remained secret until 1906 when he gave out the original recipe to the

 public. He retired the same year, but was always proud to have created such a cake.

Read more at:

Table Settings Around The World

Many of the world’s culinary treasures are enjoyed with indigenous tableware that most us of have 

never seen, let alone actually used. To help you create the appropriate dining atmosphere, we have 

made each nation’s specific table settings available. It's a wonderful compliment to the cultural 

cuisines adventure.


Dining Etiquette

Dining may take place seated on the floor on lush carpets supported by comfortable cushions or on 

modern furniture depending on where you are. Food is almost always eaten off a communal bowl. 

Always wait to be seated. You have to wash your hands and be clean before sitting down to dine.

 Commence eating only after the eldest member has begun. Eat only with your right hand. Your plate

 will be refilled till you have tasted everything on the table; so go prepared. Your refusal will be taken

 as a sign of politeness on your behalf and you will be pressed to eat more. Guests are expected to

 have three cups of tea. Gently wobbling the cup side to side is an indication that you do not want 

more. Do not smoke while at the table.

Surprising Food Etiquette Rules From ArounThe World

Middle East

It's taboo to eat with your left hand in parts of the Middle East and India, due to the 

division of labor between hands -- the right hand is reserved for picking up food and other

 awesome, noble pursuits. The left is reserved for cleaning... uh... yourself. Southpaw just

 got a whole new meaning.

Sweet Summer Drink Around the World



It figures that Thailand, a country where limes are integral to the national cuisine, would make a 

killer limeade. Sometimes taken sweet but more often incorporating a hefty pinch of salt, nam manao

 is sold by street vendors all over Thailand, helping to provide at least a temporary respite from the 

country's hot and humid climate. As a bonus, it's easy to whip up at home: just substitute lime juice 

for the lemon in a typical lemonade, go easy on the sugar, and consider adding a pinch of salt.



Yagkwa, a fried doughy dessert flavored with sesame oil and ginger and drenched in honey, are

 Korean kids favorite treat. Slightly sticky, a bit granulous and very sweet, it is perhaps Korea's 

richest traditional dessert – and it is worth every bite.

Food Etiquette Rules From Around The World


What is a doggie bag? 

A doggie bag is not exclusively for table scraps for the dog. When somebody asks for a doggie bag in

 a restaurant it means that they are full of whatever they have been eating and although they cannot 

finish it they would like to take home the remaining portion of the meal so they can reheat it and eat it

 at some later time. The term 'doggie bag' is somewhat passe now; most people just ask for a 'to go' 

box or simply 'a box'. ("To go" is the American version of Europe's 'take away') It is not an insult to 

the cook at all and for Americans it is considered wasteful to do otherwise, if not just financially 




Korean food is not so much underrated outside the country as not rated at all. Barbecue and kimchi 

are the only foods that have caused even a slight blip on the radar. Inside Korea, however, food is a 

universal obsession. In Seoul, each popular dish has its own "town" – a street filled with restaurants

 all serving their versions of that particular food. Here are 10 of the best "towns", perfecting and 

serving some of Korea's most delicious (and lesser-known) dishes.

Fish Cakes/ Odeng/Uhmook (오뎅/어묵)

These skewers paired with the steaming hot odeng broth will warm you up right to the core. They’re 

great for a quick bite when you’re starving, as odeng is cheap and filling. Just walk right up to the 

cart and eat first, pay later, since you’ll probably want seconds or thirds.

Sweet Summer Drink Around the World


India is rich with various spices, herbs, veggies and fruits and many of them are unique to a particular area or

 region. Thus each region of India has some specialty drink.

Nimbu pani (indian lemonade) – this is the cheapest and might be the most used summer drink in india. You can add

 flavor to it by adding mint juice, roasted cumin powder, black salt or make it sweet – Shikanji or have it salty. 

Some people also like to add ginger juice but then ginger is heaty. In the western india, this is called as Nimbu Pani

 and in north india, its called as Shikanji.

shikanji or shikanjvi - cooling indian drink made during summers

ingredients (measuring cup used, 1 cup = 250 ml):
1 medium size lemon
2 glasses of water
1 tsp cumin powder
rock salt or black salt as required
sugar as required
4-5 mint leaves for garnishing - optional
a few ice cubes

how to make the recipe:

cut the lemon in to two.
take 2 glasses of a water in a bowl
with a lemon juice squeezer, squeeze the juice directly into the water.
add black salt, sugar, jeera powder.
stir till the sugar dissolves.

pour the shikanji in glasses. add ice cubes. garnish with mint and serve shikanji immediately.

you can also make the shikanji and chill in the fridge and then serve.


We eat them, we enjoy them but we don’t know who we can thank them for.



Probably the national dessert of Brazil they look like balls of chocolate similar to truffles. A thick

 mix of condensed milk, butter and chocolate powder is rolled into small balls and cooked. Once 

cooled, they are covered in chocolate sprinkles like a truffle. They are named after a Brigadier that

 helped stop a communist coup in Rio. They are incredibly yummy and you can see why they are so

 popular in Brazil!

Côte d'Ivoire

There could be many reasons why one would decide to visit Cote d’Ivoire and its food could easily be one of them.

 Most Ivoirians depend on grain and root vegetables, yams, plantains, maize, rice and peanuts with Fufu (the 

national dish).

They are usually served with meat (often chicken and fish which are favourites) and kedjenou, a vegetable sauce

 made with aubergines, okra, tomatoes and peanuts.

Attiéké - Similar to couscous and made from grated cassava, it is a popular side dish.

Spices are popular with imported and local hot pepper often found to accentuate flavours.

Grains and vegetables are typically served with a variety of sauces and fresh fruit is a standard dessert.

Local palm wine, ginger beer and Youki soda (a little sweeter than tonic water) are local favourite drinks


A unique cultural history has helped make Lebanese food the most popular of all Middle Eastern 

cuisines. The Lebanese diet focuses on herbs, spices and fresh ingredients (the Lebanese rarely eat 

leftovers), relying less on heavy sauces. Mint, parsley, oregano, garlic, allspice, nutmeg, and 

cinnamon are the most common seasonings.

Bread, a staple food in Lebanon, is served with almost every meal, most often as a flat bread, or pita.

 It is so crucial to the Lebanese diet that some Arabic dialects refer to it as esh , meaning "life."

Fruit, vegetables, rice and bread out-weigh the amount of meat eaten in the average Lebanese meal.

 However, the most commonly eaten meats, poultry and lamb, make up some of the country's most 

popular dishes. The national dish, kibbeh (or kibbe), consists of a ground lamb and cracked wheat 

paste, similar to paté. Kibbeh was originally made by harshly pounding the lamb and kneading in the 

spices and wheat.

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